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My Favorite Person

 My Favorite Person: Best Friend

  My favorite person is my best friend. Best friend is a person who you value above other friends in your life, someone you have fun with, someone you trust and someone in whom you confide. Person who deserve title of best friend is a person who named is Zulisyraq or known as Zul and sometime I call him Salim for no reason. His height is 163CM and brown skin. He is same age as me. He studied at SMK Bukit Gading as Form 6 student. I choose him because he always by my side when I’m sad or happy. Things I like about him which is he is funny person and always do crazy stuff. He always makes me laugh with his joke. He has bloated stomach and always make fun of it. He also always helps me to complete my assignment. The most beautiful memories with him is when we spend time together preparing banquet for iftar at his house. We cooked together with a lot fun and made a delicious dish. Not only that, we created a lot of memories together. I have no regrets for choosing him as my best friend. He such a good friend and I hope to stay friend with until the end.


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